Monday, September 15, 2008

Looking Forward to Zone Conference

Dear Family and Friends:
I can't believe Nana and Ron will be getting home from their mission to Africa so soon!
Honestly, we were all pretty disappointed that Hurricane Ike totally missed us.
Just last night it started to rain and thunder just a bit, but other than that nothing much has really happened. We were excited because we were on call to see if we were going to get evacuated or not. Then, we went about three days with no new updates as to whether it was going to hit us or not. Then they finally called and said Ike had turned and was going up to Houston, so we were fine.
Yesterday at church however, the Bishop of the Spanish Ward said that there are two more hurricanes that are forming near the Gulf and we should be prepared.
Apparently, this year has been one of the most active hurricane years in a while!
It seems early to give you my Christmas wish list, but here goes: cds would be great. We can listen to MoTab, Hymns, and Classical music more than 100 years old. Any good classical music would be great. We were going to go to the zoo today, but it's pretty rainy outside, so maybe next week. Also next week, we are going to have Elder Shumway from the second Quorum of the Seventy come and give a special Zone Conference, which should be great! We are all very excited. Tell everyone hi and keep me updated!